My goodness...I had another lunch date with my hubby again today. He is leaving for a month or so tomorrow so they let him go home early for the day. It was a fun surprise. Then he even went to pick up the kids from school giving me some unexpected free time. Since I hadn't made a new card in a week, I was itching! I had seen this quote by Dr. Seuss on another blog months ago, maybe even last year. When I saw this paper it spoke Seuss to me and put the two together. I think they would be cute to hand to a teacher during the month we celebrate Dr. Seuss...or anytime to anyone.

Today you are you.
That is truer than you.
There is no one alive
Who is Youer than you.
So cute!
Just darling! Tell Steve to be safe. I just hate it when our hubbies have to go over... Darn it. Call me when you crave some adult convo! xo
Oh no! You can't find your ornies that match the ones you got me? I am so bummed b/c I know you loved them as much as I love them!!! Maybe you'll find them one of these days tucked away (heck, we just went through all of our boxes in the attic for the garage sale a few weekends back~ that only took us almost 3 years!). It was like Christmas in July! I wish you the same thing~ Christmas sometime when you least expect it! ;) Love ya~ L
That is such a cute little poem! That would even be cute to put in a card from a parent to their child! I think my kids would get a kick out of that! Our childrens' school celebrates "Dr. Seuss Day" every year, too. It wasn't until this that I heard that he was actually autistic! What an amazing gift he had! :)
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