Sunday, January 24, 2010


The kids in Ben's SAGE (gifted) class were given the assignment to pick a world landmark to write a report on and build a sturdy replica of...holy moly is kinda what I thought. Ben chose the Pentagon. Some of his friends picked the Eiffel Tower, Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Pyramids...makes me a little grateful for the Pentagon. Steve thought and thought how we could do this and then asked for my help...we used all my craft stuff. The foam board I use to make explosion books,the flags I use in tasty treats, my glue gun...that he has never used and my elephant gray paint. Our family learned alot about the Pentagon from this project. The neatest being the interesting fact that the Pentagon was dedicated on September 11, 1943...58 years to the day before the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.


Anonymous said...

Great project! Information that I did not know. Good Job Ben!

Amber M. said...

Tell Ben his Pentagon is FABULOUS!!

Our Complete Family said...

Ben~ that project ROCKS! I have to show this to Bryce! Wish we lived close like in Germany again~ you two would have a blast together!