Can you believe our summer vacation is almost over. My kids start back to school MONDAY!!! They only get a 2 month summer break ...during the school year they get a 1 week break every 6 weeks. I actually love this schedule, it's just a little sad getting them ready to go back. So, yesterday we came up north to Buford, Georgia, still the Atlanta area but over an hour from our house. I use to think this was hillbilly country....boy was I WRONG!!! This is where The Mall Of Georgia is and the best scrapbook store I have ever been to in my life. The McDonald's we went to had white columns and chandeliers. This was all Steve's idea to bring us on this little getaway. He has always been a spur of the moment kind of guy. One time back in 2003 while living in Germany and a few days before he was about to be shipped to Iraq, he had come home from work early with a rented Jag. We quickly strapped our 2 little ones in the back and off we went traveling in style around Europe. He has always done these things and I need to make sure I appreciate him for it. Anyway here we are now living it up again. Yesterday we went to an Atlanta Falcons practice(NFL training camp) right by here in Flowery Branch. Today I went to my scrapbook store and we went to Lake Lanier. Tomorrow we are going to another Falcons scrimmage.

The kids got a few good autographs.
Thank goodness for computers...something to do while I am sitting in the dark so my kids can get to sleep.
Whooo hooo! Fun times before the kids are back to the grind of school work...Yea for you! Trying to do some fun things here, too. It can get a bit hairy with the age gap we've got going on! Yesterday~ Six Flags. Today~ playdates. Tomorrow~ 1st day of a fun ABLE silly science class with B's buddies. Saturday~ lemonade stand for B & his friend at our garage sale. I am loving the age he's at. It is awesome! My Godparents (they live in Marietta) have taken me to Lake Lanier a few times & it's gorgeous! Anyhoo...neat pics. I can't wait to show them to B tomorrow. Hugs & high fives~ Les
Looks like fun!
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