It all started with my Grandpa. He was the Drum major of The Ohio State University in 1946. After that he continued to be the head of the Ohio State Alumni Band my whole life. So growing up we got to go to all kinds of band gigs, march in parades with him, go to Ohio State games and see him lead the Script Ohio during the alumni day football game. It was so easy to love the whole atmosphere of the games and marching band stuff. When I was 3 or 4 my Grandpa started me in baton lessons. I LOVED it! I am the oldest of 4 kids and my parents made us each play an didn't matter which one, we got to pick. The clarinet was my choice. When I started Jr. High I got started in the marching band and never missed a football game during all of Jr. High or High that's were my love of football games got started. My dream came true my first year of High School. I tried out for majorette and made it! This all made my High School years so much fun. Of course the music I used for my tryouts was Hang on Sloopy, a favorite of mine that the OSU band has always played. I found this youtube video of that song and last years OSU drum major twirling...wait until you see this!!!

I just have the coolest Grandpa! He is 81 and still going! Ben and Madi already have the love of sports and music and the whole shebang. When we drive to school in the morning we listen to Ohio State marching music on CD. They may look like little Georgia Bulldogs on the outside but their hearts beat to the rhythm of Ohio State. :)
My Grandma (my dad's mom) got to go to The Ohio State game this past Saturday. She also attended Ohio State at the same time my Grandpa was there. She use to go to the football games and would see him lead. When my dad started going out with my mom my Grandma said she was so excited that my mom's dad was Beverley Moseley, the OSU Drum major she so loved watching, so many years before.

Jeni~ What an awesome, awesome story! I am so jealous that you got to grow up with all those fun times with your Grandparents. What an awesome experience! And for your kiddow to now know them, too? Priceless for sure hun! Thanks for sharing such a sweet story today. What a nice read!!! Love ya, L p.s. Now we must see pics of you doing your thing Miss Majorette!
Happy afternoon girly! Go peek at my most recent post~ I've got a surprise for you! xo
What fun for you to have such wonderful memories! Your grandpa sounds pretty amazing! :)
By the way, I wanted to tell you to go check my post from'll find something there for you! :)
Have a wonderful day! :)
What a cute couple!!
I wanna see more of your fall decorations...please??
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