Ben got his braces on this morning.

Here is Hillbilly Madi. Her tooth was hanging by a thread this morning but she couldn't get it out before school. While dropping Ben off at school after he got his braces on, Madi's teacher walked through the office and told me her tooth came out. I am about to see her....I go up to the school to give her her insulin shot everyday at lunch. It's the first tooth she lost on the top. She is going to look so cute.
How funny!
sandy toe
It was all about teeth today!! I love that pic of her....so cute!!
Too funny ~ I bet she looks cute! Hope your son isn't in too much pain ~ we've been there, done that!
How funny that it should all be on the same day!! Good luck to Ben...braces SUCK!
We have 3 more weeks before school starts. But I'll be taking your lead with some teacher cards and goodies. The kids are as anxious as I am to get back into a routine.
Missing you...
Oh, it's so cute when they lose their teeth on top! It's what we call the "first grade smile", but Gracie STILL has not lost her front teeth, so I guess it will be a second grade smile...Anyway, make sure to show us a picture, if you don't mind! I hope Ben is all right. I remember it was pretty painful getting braces on, so I hope it's doing okay! I will say a prayer for him for sure!
I hope the tooth fairy was good to Miss Madi!
Ah braces... I don't have fond memories of them to share, but I'm so thankful my folks did that for me!
Happy 1/2 way through the week day!
xo Les
Is Ben getting a milk shake tonight? Say Hello to the kids for me. I miss them.
Love, Aunt Onalee
So cute. Im glad Madi finally lost that tooth. Ben I like your braces. Hope the mouth is not too sore!
That is going to be Anna very soon! How is Ben doing with it? You will need to post a picture of Madi and her missing tooth next!
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