Steve got shipped out to Iraq yesterday. We are praying for his safe return by Thanksgiving.

So on Monday night...Steve's last night here....we hit the ballpark.

Turner Field is very family oriented...on the upper deck there is a fun place for the kids to play. They have bases set up so the kids can run what the distance is between home plate and first base. See Madi flying by. At the front of the ballpark they have a huge Cartoon Network play house.

Ben took a break from running the bases to watch the game.
You have to get some boiled peanuts! This is Atlanta, Georgia.
we had with our dad! I can't wait until Steve gets home around Thanksgiving...it will still be football season then.
Hang in there sweetie. I know how very hard it is. Let the care packages roll!!!
Love ya, L
My thoughts and prayers will be with your family. My BIL will also be heading over in the next few days. Hopefully blogging will help you pass the time and also keep him updated on how things are going at home!
God speed to your hubby. All the best. ~Heather Richter(Samantha's Mom from Wiesbaden CDC part time preschool) ;)! I think it is funny I bumped into your blog. Small world.
Heather Richter!
I was just talking about you last weekend...we passed a sign that said Dallas (georgia) and I told Steve about your sister living there. And after telling him that I thought about how much you were without your hubby and I remember you carrying on and taking your girls to Paris and Disney. Where are you now? Do you have a blog?
Jeni, we all love and support you and Steve. Godspeed and good wishes!
I'll be praying for a safe return too.
I love boiled peanuts. We only get them once a year though when we stop on our way to Florida. :)
I hope the time flies! We will also be praying for safety for Steve and for you and the kids.
Our thoughts are prayers are with your family! It is so incredibly honorable what your husband does for our country. Thank you for you and his sacrifice.
Hang in there I don't know how you military wives do it! Your family will be in my thoughts and prays!
I seriously don't know how your wives do it, but thankyou. My thoughts and prayers will be with you!
Looks like you had a wonderful night together!!
I will keep Steve in my thoughts and prayers as he is over there.....I am sure it is very difficult. Thinking of you all!
Jeni- I don't know how you do it. I wish him and you all well while he is away!
My prayers will be with you for his safe return. It is great that y'all had that fun trip to the ballpark before he left. It looks really neat there.
My prayers are with you and my heartfelt thanks. Thanks to your husband for doing what he does to keep us safe and thanks to you and your family for allowing that to happen. May God be with you and Thanksgiving will be here sooner than you think.
I'll be thinking of you ~ the first few days are always the worst, then you'll get into the routine of summer life, fall and back to school. Before you know it, he'll be home. We are currently preparing for half the run of your husbands.
You're in my thoughts and prayers,
Hope you guys hang in there while your man is gone. It's funny that I have to visit your blog to find out about all the good things to do right here in Georgia. I have lived here all of my life and haven't touched HALF of the places that your family has been. LOL! I had no idea of all the cool things that our Braves stadium has to offer!
Have a great week, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!
Oh, bless your heart, I am SO praying for you right now, and for your children and husband as well! That would be so hard, I just feel for you...
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