I have been going through stuff getting ready for our move to Korea. My kids love looking at my stuff from back when... In this picture I am the girl in the flight suit. I was an Aero Medical Evacuation Tech(took care of sick/injured soldiers and family members in flight) while stationed in Japan. It was first the 9th AES then the 374th AES. We covered the east coast of Africa to California and then to the North and South Poles...lots of traveling and flight hours. I earned those set of wings!!!

Some of my Air Force name tags from different jobs.

Back when I turned 1 years old.
Such a cutie! Madi looks so much like you....
I had no idea that that was your job when you were active duty! Too cool...
What a fun trip down memory lane for you! That is the fun part of moving~ finding things you don't look at every day and the fun memories that come along with them! I think both B and M look like you in that pic from your 1st bday!
Thanks for sharing, I had no idea what you used to do. I love memory lane!
that is very cool Jeni:) thanks for sharing
I am glad that you kept some of your pictures and show to your family your duty days. I am sure they are really proud of you!
Do you miss those days?
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