Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tennessee rocking chairs

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Birthday stuff
Sunday, April 26, 2009
1/2 Marathon
I may want to try another one of these things some day...but NEVER again in Nashville that's for sure. The hills were unreal! Rumor has it, it's one of the most hilliest marathons out there. The expected temps were 56 at the start and 65 at the finish. Yesterday at my finish it was 87 degrees! Plus there was some wind. Between my friend Susy and Jill who did the full marathon they agree about those hills and heat. And then while eating breakfast at our hotel this morning the dinning room full of runners and everyone was talking about how rough this race was. So if I ever do it again it will be somewhere flat...but I am still thrilled over my experience yesterday, great memories and stories.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It's time!!!!

Tomorrow morning we are off to Nashville, TN! I can't believe it's time! Today has been hard...I didn't need to run, just needed to clean the house and pack for the trip but it's like I was in a daze...I just want it to be race day! We are expecting great weather and along the whole course of the race there are suppose to be bands playing music and I am really hoping my family will be able to get to a place to see me. I guess somewhere during the last mile they can even come join you in crossing the finish line.
I can't believe I am doing this. I can't wait!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fun and colorful
Your favorite pasta cooked
green peppers
pepper jack cheese
Italian dressing
Mix everything together and viola!
I also served some yummy cheddar-garlic biscuits.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Some shopping
Here is Madi yesterday in her outfit I made her.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New clothes
Tomorrow Madi is going to wear some new Capri's that I MADE HER! They were pretty easy except for the crotch. I had to have Steve's help thinking in 3D to get it right but I did it. Now I can't wait until morning to get them ready for school.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Today's happiness...
My smiles today are also coming from this video of Madi singing (I am the cutie, that has the power to be?) in the tub. Just click on the link below.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter fun
On Friday we got together with my friend michelle and all the kids colored Easter Eggs. The kids had a ball and were so fun to watch.
Even the big girls got in egg dyeing spirit.
I took the kids to see the movie Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D. It was a cute movie but cutest part were Ben and Madi in those huge black BCG glasses! And my BIG accomplishment this weekend was doing a 10 mile run. My head is HUGE right now...but my knee hurts. Only 12 more days before my big run in Nashville.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Trying to Keep Calm
The first time I ever saw this was last year over on aliedwards. Then a few weeks ago I saw it again on Shannon's blog bless our nest, it was right after getting home from the hospital with Madi and knew I "needed" one to look at everyday. It came just in the nick of time this week! Because this week we found out Steve will be leaving for a deployment to Iraq next month. He has not even been home a year from his last deployment so it was a little unexpected. I should be use to this...Madi is only 6 years old and this is Steve's 4th deployment in her short life. I am good at handling things but you never just get use to missing your hubby. I am a little more nervous right now because we are not even but 3 weeks into living with Madi's new found diabetes but Steve keeps reminding me we still have another month to learn together. So this Keep Calm and Carry On is my new motto...Simplify was my 'word' for 2009 but I think the new motto is more appropriate! Madi is blowing me away with how well she is doing. She is a very responsible 6 year old...she knows she can eat anything but at certain times of the day and is fine with it. When there is something she knows she is hungry for we plan all day to eat it with lunch or dinner. She has a new love for sugar free pudding...look at the pictures below taken after lunch today.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Homemade Easter and the girls
Monday, April 6, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Believe in Spring!
Last night I finished up some "Believe in Spring" cards...it was so fun...it had been a while.
Now I just have to boast a little!
Today I ran 8 miles!!! I was suppose to do 8 miles last week but with Madi it just didn't happen. I did get a couple 3 mile runs in last week and on Saturday I tried to do 8 but it was a flop. So this week on Monday I did 3, on Tuesday I did 4.5, took yesterday off and then Ta-Da today I did it.
Last night after dinner the kids were outside riding their bikes with all the neighbors. When they came in they told me about a new kid...he is from Korea and has a really strange Mexican name something like Ching Yang?...that's what Ben said.
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