This week after getting home from our cruise I have been on the go. Laundry, commissary, lots of crafting and I have run everyday! These bags above I made for the snack to hand out at Madi's basketball game...I gave them to the coach at practice since she won't be at the game this Saturday. We are leaving tomorrow to go on another vacation with Steve's side of the family. The kids are stoked to be going away with their cousins.

Here are Ben's Valentine Cards.

This is what the kids are giving their teachers for Valentines Day. They read: You're the chocolate truffle in a chocolate bar world...we hung them on a yummy bag of Lindt truffles.

Earlier this week on our drive home from the cruise, we stopped off in Daytona Beach to show the kids the racetrack. The big race is there this coming weekend but you would not believe how many campers were already flooding the place almost a week early. Bet they are having a fun week with all fans gathering there.
Great cards! You are so crafty and have fun on your trip. We went to the Bahamas on our honeymoon. The water is gorgeous. cherry
Those teachers will love their gifts so very cute!
-sandy toe
SUCH cute Valentine's crafts! You always come up with fun ideas.
So glad you had fun on the cruise...enjoy your next adventure with family!!
Everything looks so cute! Another vacation!?!? Wow, lucky ducks!
We live near the TX Motor Speedway and you would not believe the amount of people that arrive early and stay days after the event just to avoid all of the traffic. It's crazy and I think to myself, do these people do this for every race?
I love the valentines. They are adorable. Jealous...I cannot wait to go on vacation...our next one isn't until July.
I love the crafts that you did! Lindt chocolate is the best and I had the same type of idea for the kids teachers! Where are you getting to go this time on vacation? Lucky girl! I just came home from an 11 mile run with my friend. It was a great run! I can't wait to see you in April!
Another vacay girl? You guys are going to have a blast with all the cousins to hang out with this time as well! Can't wait to hear about it and see the pics you take!
Love your Val Day craftiness~ I saw those glow stick ones a few spots online and saved it to my favs folder from one of them for next year! They are so cute and fun, hu?!?
Happy traveling~ be safe~ Les
Oh my gosh, you are too good. You just got back from vaca and you still were able to pull off those crafty valentines.....they are adorable. I LOVE those truffles....I always keep them out in a candy jar in our dining room:)
Have a fun trip!
Have fun on your 2nd vacation!! How fun! Cute cards and gifts!
What fun Valentine's! Once again, you take first prize for creativity!
Oh, I love the things you did up for your kids' classes and teachers! You are so, so talented girl! I just read about about your vacation to the Bahamas! I'm so glad it was such a fun trip for you all. :) I can't believe how gorgeous it is over there! :)
Have fun on your next trip and stay safe!
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