Last night I finished this flash card garland. I love personalized stuff!

My kids enjoy the simple things. Both my kids needed some new warmer pj's with our nights getting colder. Today I got these and have them spread out on their beds, to surprise them with when they get home from school. Bet we snuggle together and watch a Halloween movie tonight.
What a great surprise love it!
Cute flashcard crafts....and I love those kind of snuggly pj's!!
What a fun surprise for your kids! Cute garland too!
Your garland is adorable, and what a fun surprise for your kids to come home too.
Your garland turned out great and I used to LOVE it when my mom had surprises for me. So fun!
Now you need to teach me how you did the garland! It is so cool! I love the pj surprise. I did that last week with new fuzzy slippers.
I love the flash card garland; I definitely want to craft both of your flash card ideas! They are the cutest ideas! :)
And what a sweet mom you are, surprising your kids that way! Our kids are that way too; they love little surprises, like a new sweatshirt or pajamas! :) I hope you have a wonderful evening! :)
Your garland is super cute! What a fun addition to your already adorable house hun! And the pjs? Bryce loves pjs, too! He has that same pair that Ben has! Yea for Target things!!! Say it with me girl...'Tarjay'...sounds like we shop all ritzy now, doesn't it?!? I wish I could stay in pjs all day and go out in the world with them on! I do take B to school in them sometimes. Gosh I hope I never get in a car accident on one of those mornings!!! ;) xo Les
Hey a left a little prize on my blog!
Hey, just found you through Cherry's Jubilee today and can't wait to look through your archives!
I am a Ga girl and I shop the Plum Tree in McDonough. Is that the same one you sell in?!?!?
If so, it's a small world!
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